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An open letter to Q

Unlike most people, I don’t buy into the belief that anyone online is actually anonymous, so there’s no point trying to hide my identity. I’m also fully aware that you’ve got probably hundreds of people, if not the entire NSA, and some very sophisticated programs searching the net for any mentions of Q. So, to be blunt, I’m fairly sure you will see this even if it’s removed. You know who I am, and probably have a folder on me with everything from a psyche profile to a record of what I ordered for breakfast.

The point is that I am a nobody, and not a shill, or an agent, or working for some sinister agenda, just a poor author with a small following in an obscure topic if you’re not a supergeek. I’ve known a lot of what you’ve talked about for a long time, and couldn’t discuss it with most people because it’s been so deeply imbedded to view any research outside the “mainstream” as forbidden, and I’ve got a dozen different targets painted on my back by many groups for merely existing.

I’ve been called everything in the book by different people, labeled insane, crackpot, wannabe tyrant, whore, even a Dr. Mengele, just for looking at things differently than the “normals” find acceptable. I’ve even had death threats made by complete strangers, just because I was interviewed about morphological freedom by a web magazine.

But I’m just someone who wants to live in a world where I am neither a slave, nor condemned just for my existence. I want that same thing for everyone. I think that’s all most people want.

You keep saying, WWG1WGA, but I also see a constant stream of the same old bigotry and hatred flowing endlessly from those following you. I see the same vendettas against people like me that I have coped with my entire life. From the rhetoric I keep seeing time and again from those following you, I continue to get the same feeling of having a crosshair on my back.

I’m not a threat, or a member of the cabal, I’m just a person who wants to be free to simply exist as myself. I know too much to be religious. I’ve never had faith. I don’t buy into the whole “fulfilling of end times prophecy” shtick, and I certainly rejected the whole x-tian mythos a very long time ago, just as strongly as it has rejected me, and those like me.   

So, does WWG1WGA include ordinary transgenders like myself? Those who just want to be allowed to be who they have always been inside, and not be killed for daring to fail to conform to the “approved” role people try to force on them? The ones who aren’t trying to foist an agenda on others, or trying to shove political correctness down people’s throat? Who don’t give a damn about identity politics, but just want to finally feel like a normal member of the gender that they identify as, without feeling like people want to kill them for existing?

Or, are we just “acceptable losses”, like always?


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