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Showing posts from January, 2015

First You Must Question

Another preservation, since seems to have removed almost all of my articles I had there. I’m going to insult your intelligence today. No, seriously, I am. Because today I’m going to be talking to all of you who truly, firmly and completely think you base your world views on science, rational thinking, and a solid grasp of reality. I’m talking to those of you who claim to reject anything but that which can be empirically proven, mathematically defined, and subject to verified repeatable experiments. To those of you who believe that SCIENCE (note the emphasis) holds all the answers. I deal with a lot of people like you. In fact, I recently wrote an article called “ Against Consensus ” which was deliberately targeted to draw fire from precisely those people who believe that “consensus” has any value at all in science. Today, I’m going to address those of you who rather rigidly think that “Science has all the answers.” Don’t get me wrong. Science, as it is SU...