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Showing posts from October, 2009

A Change I Can Believe In

Today was a good day. Not for me. But for the future. Today, I believe I’ve seen the first proof of something I have been suspecting for several months. When Obama got elected I believed it was a good day. Even if his presidency was just a placeholder, the simple fact that a black man was elected president was a victory for equality and civil liberty. But then I started paying very close attention to everything he did, and that congress did, and that the world did. I talked to people on forums, debated his every action and those of the movers and shakers in Washington. I’ve talked to people who have loved him, hated him, thought he was the savior, or the anti-christ. I’ve talked to people who are liberals, progressives, conservatives, right-wing, left-wing, and even fairy-wing. And I started noticing something that I am not sure many people did. No matter what you thought about Obama, he was the main topic of the day. Every Forum had something to say about him. No matter ...
Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a girl of style and grace… Well, not really, but it seems so appropriate considering the rest of this little missive, and I won’t even make you guess my name. Valkyrie Ice, or just Val for short. No that’s not the name my parents gave me, but it is far more comfortable most of the time than that other one, which is why it has been my name on the internet from almost the very first time I signed onto a BBS. Val feels more like the real me than that endless succession of masks I have to wear everyday. When I’m online, I usually feel like I’ve taken off this massive coat of lead armor, and like I’m a real person, instead of a mindless automaton going through the motions. What you see when you meet me in the flesh may be what the world thinks of as me right now, but Val’s the one looking at you behind these blue eyes. I have been asked many times before why I consider myself to be an entirely different creature than what I see in a mirror,...